Qualitative research is our passion. Our pride. Our history. Our progress. Our youth and maturity. Our professional excellence. It is the portrait of us. So, let’s say it clear… We reject the idea of producing qualitative research. ‘Do just as much as the client required and no more’ or ‘that small additional thing wasn’t in the budget, so stop’. We say NO! to that sort of thinking. It’s not because we are not driven as a commercial company or we don’t set our budgets relative to client value (because we do!).
But simply because qualitative research is our trait, our passion, our pride. Because in our extremely little element of the universe we – by personal ambition – strive to create the best. Create the ultimate quality. Class. Refinement. Get the feeling of being part of a professional elite. Not ‘best effort’. But the best as it possibly can be.
Some will say that we represent some of the best of what Denmark and the Nordics have to offer within qual. And guess what? Thank you! We agree! At any project we aim at reaching the absolute top quality of research – always pushing for deeper insights, deeper level of thinking, understanding, exploring, creating… Pushing the limit of what qualitative research can do for marketing. On any project we demand the best from ourselves. And our approach will always be that “anything but the absolute best is not good enough”.
Qualitative research is a tool. But our work is in its essence about creating better marketing. Being a good hammer does not mean you are set to carve out a beautiful sculpture. Meaning, in our work we need not only to be experts at research – but also at marketing. Not just know of it – but actually being a marketer first who excels at qualitative research like no other. In truth, any specialised marketing agency with huge ambitions should be able to take that role… or live in a method silo. The differentiator between the great and not so great agencies is then both their excellence in their respective specialty and in their marketing excellence as such (pick the ones that excel at both).
Our approach to research is a combination of qualitative research and strategic planning. Because we believe that sharp marketing thinking is absolutely necessary both in the fieldwork itself and in the analysis in order to give clients the knowledge they need to build great marketing efforts. With us you get sharp marketing thinking at every stage of any project.
Research can be the fuel that creates strong and impactful work. But the more diluted it becomes the weaker its potential impact. That’s why we put such an effort on making insights and consumer understandings live beyond the fieldwork itself and the people directly involved in it. We are known for turning knowledge into change-making through our passion, charisma and presentation energy – to make the points come across. But that is not enough!
Our strength is our ability to make the insights we find and create become unforgettable stories. To make them clear, vivid and engaging in a corporate world of precesses. Instead of great insights rotting in a damp of boring information we make them into long-lasting and vivid allegories, metaphors and thought-provoking explanations that stay, live and engage brand managers, creatives or any other agencies – to build great marketing based on insights turned into metaphors and stories. We want to make sure that great insights live. And make change. Anything else is too little. Too wasteful. And too boring.
Healthcare research is a specialty for us. We have extensive experience area of ours. We have conducted medical research in most disease areas. Across all types of target groups: specialists, KOLs, GPs, nurses, patients, dentists. We understand the Danish market and know the potential pitfalls of medical project in Denmark and are able to advise on the best research approach. Our regular recruiters are also specialists in medical recruitment. We can recruit through panels, patient associations and through a network of close contacts with specialist doctors at hospitals within various specialisations and with GPs. We have great experience in recruiting within very rare diseases.
In order to provide world-class research we need world class recruitment. We work with regular partners. Specifically selected people whom we have tested for 10+ years. People who have been working in qualitative recruitment for 20+ years each. People who make recruitment a work of art. People who make back-up respondents unnecessary. People who – when necessary – can perform miracles. People whom you can trust and with whom you feel safe! People whose work create the basis for world-class work.